The Run Aiming to Increase Female Participation in Athletics!

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

January 17, 2024

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The upcoming St Brigid's Bank Holiday weekend in February will see the return of the Galway Women's Mini Marathon in Craughwell, Co. Galway. Hosted by Craughwell AC, women from around the country are invited to run, jog, or walk the 10k distance around the beautiful countryside of Craughwell on Monday, February 5th.

Run Republic reached out to Craughwell AC to talk about the upcoming event. 'We want ladies to come and enjoy a great day out, being active and getting out there. It's a perfect event for all Fit4Life runners. We welcome walkers and dog walkers (on a lead). Buggies are also welcomed!

'Last year's event attracted 450 women and we are hoping to get close to 700 ladies running, jogging and walking this year.

‘Every participant will get a finisher's medal, a beanie hat and a goodie bag. Jody's SPAR will be at the finish line with their coffee trailer so you can get a treat at the end of your 10K.’

Galway Women's Mini Marathon
The beanie hat and medals for the Galway Women's Mini Marathon

The proceeds from the Galway Women's Mini Marathon will go towards the development of Craughwell AC's 8-acre athletics park, and organiser Loic believes that this will lead to 'keeping both children and adults involved in sports and raising a future generation of athletes, but it also caters for the physical and mental health of the community by providing facilities for everyone.'

The Galway Athletics County Board are supporting this event through their "Women In Sport" programme, commenting 'In line with Athletics Ireland’s strategic plan around Women in Sport, Galway Athletics county board are delighted to support the Galway Women’s Mini Marathon on Monday 5th February in Craughwell. This race is a fantastic initiative to increase female participation in athletics!'

Loic went on to tell Run Republic about the charity partners that are lined up for the event. Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and CROI are the partners for the event, and runners are able to fundraise for either of these charities or any charity of their choice. 

Loic told Run Republic about the brilliant companies sponsoring the event, and spoke about the launch which took place last Saturday; ‘We are very grateful for the sponsorship from Pamex Ireland (prize sponsor) and Goals Gym (number sponsors) for the second year running. Goals Gym will run a group warm up before the start of the run.'

‘Finally, we had our launch last Saturday at the track in Craughwell with Fiona Everard as our main guest. Most of our sponsors were in attendance with some junior female athletes.’

You can register for the Galway Women's Mini Marathon on Eventmaster by clicking the link here!

Ladies, if you are looking for an event to look forward to throughout January, then the Galway Women's Mini Marathon is the one for you!

Featured Image: Back row from left to right - Andrew McBride (Galway Sports Partnership), Philip Madden (Galway Athletics), Fiona Everard, Cormac Kearney (Pamex), Holly O'Boyle, Aine Fahy (Craughwell AC Chairperson), Frank Maher, Marion McEvilly, Loic Bocquet, Johnny Bowles (Jody's SPAR)

Front Row - Young Athletes from the club and Shauna Bocquet

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