Racing Through Rain: Mayo AC 5k Series Kicks Off in Castlebar

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

May 15, 2024

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Lough Lannagh Castlebar set the stage for an exhilarating kick-off to the 2024 Intersport Elverys Mayo AC 5k series on Tuesday evening, May 14th. This marked the 12th instalment of the club’s massively popular summer series, and it began with a bang, drawing in 158 determined finishers.

Despite the initial dry weather, the skies opened up roughly 10 minutes into the race, drenching the course and competitors. Castlebar is known for being one of the more challenging tracks in the series, yet even with these difficult conditions, a surprising number of participants achieved personal bests. The spirit of each runner shone through as they embraced the wetness and gathered around the water table at the finish line, exchanging stories and relishing the shared experience.

The atmosphere was electric as groups of excited runners congregated at the finish area, echoing the buzz of anticipation that had filled the registration and race start zones earlier in the evening when things were much drier. The event also welcomed a significant number of new first-time participants.

Despite the tough conditions, the general sentiment among participants was one of enjoyment and satisfaction. Many expressed eagerness for the upcoming four races in the series, seeing them as opportunities to further improve their 5k times and challenge themselves.

Special acknowledgment goes to the Castlebar 5k race organiser, Colette Tuohy, and all the dedicated volunteers and club members whose efforts contributed to the smooth and well-organised execution of the event, even amidst challenging weather conditions. Their commitment and passion ensured that the first race of the Mayo AC 5k series was not just a test of skill but a celebration of community spirit and love for running.

Stay tuned to Run Republic for more coverage of this great Summer Series and you can find further information on the Mayo AC website here!

Featured Image: by Tom Hunt

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