Hellevation Is Coming Ever Closer

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

March 15, 2024

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In the world of ultra-running, where endurance meets determination, a new contender has emerged on the scene, promising to challenge even the most seasoned athletes. Hellevation, the brand-new Munster Backyard Ultra, is gearing up for its inaugural run on April 6th, promising an exhilarating experience for participants and spectators alike.

With the anticipation building, event co-founder Tom Owens is optimistic about the turnout. "We've got about 25 signed up already, and I expect to see another 10 or 20 enter into it" he shares. "We have room to take a lot more than that."

But it's not just about the numbers. Tom envisions Hellevation growing year after year, becoming a staple event in the ultra-running calendar. "It's only gonna get bigger and bigger year on year," he says. "I think a lot of what's going to happen this year is there'll be people running it this year that have never run a backyard before. They'll run it, they'll come back again next year to try and beat it."

One of the defining features of Hellevation is its challenging terrain. Unlike many backyard ultras that unfold in flat landscapes, Hellevation lives up to its name with a course that includes uphill stretches in the first half. This elevation variation adds an extra layer of difficulty, testing participants both physically and mentally.

The event will be held in Grange, County Tipperary, adding a touch of local flavour to the proceedings. Moreover, Hellevation holds special significance as the top 15 finishers will qualify to represent Munster in the All Ireland series. This prestigious series brings together the top 15 participants from each province, elevating the competition to a whole new level.

In anticipation of the main event on April 6th, Hellevation is hosting a recce run on March 16th, inviting participants to get a taste of what's to come. Irish ultra-running legend Keith Russell will be in attendance, offering tips and nutritional advice to eager participants.

Hellevation promises to be an unforgettable journey into the heart of ultra-running. You can sign up by following the link here!

Featured Image: Tom Owens.

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