The Unique Way to Reach Your Goals in 2024

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

January 10, 2024

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With New Year’s Resolution season well underway, it is fair to suggest that many people’s go-to resolution is to increase their fitness. Getting to the gym and running are popular hobbies that people pick up to try to kickstart the New Year in a positive way.

For many, joining a club may be a daunting thing. The anxiety of meeting new people and the worry of not being a good enough runner is all too real. These are things that many people who joined Brendan’s Running Club felt before starting their journeys. Through testimonials from club members, and speaking to the man himself, this club in Naas may be the perfect club to join to start your journey.

Run Republic spoke to founder Brendan Loughlin about his unique club and why it works for so many. ‘The programs work because I believe everyone can run and everyone is different, it doesn’t matter about pace. It’s about achieving your goal to the best of your ability.

‘I will run and talk with everyone in the group individually and encourage and support them. It’s improving without pressure, and the group motivation is so important. Everyone is there for everyone.’

The testimonials from club members really echo everything Brendan says. There is a real family and community feel amongst the club members. There is no doubt that anybody who is contemplating joining the club would not regret it.

One club member, Katrina, eloquently described how it has made her transition to a new country easier, ‘Having moved to Naas a few months ago from the UK I was struggling to settle in to my new way of life and make connections. Having been part of a fantastic run group previously I longed to find something similar.

‘I anxiously rocked up on a Monday night and was instantly welcomed and put at ease. Brendan was kind enough to run with me on that first evening and I haven’t looked back since.

‘We can all read reviews which say this is a “family” and think blah, blah. However, I cannot think of a better word to describe this amazing group of people, they are the Family of Choice!

‘The encouragement and laughs within the group continually make me smile and I feel truly proud and grateful to be a part of it.’

Another member said ‘I don’t think I have ever met a nicer and friendlier group of people, all just interested in the enjoyment of running and making newcomers feel welcome and a part of the club. I had no intention of racing and just enjoyed the “fun” of running and in such good company. But, credit to Brendan and the club members, I have now managed to complete the Dublin City Marathon along with some 10ks and half marathons.’

The club works in 12-week programmes, with the first one of the new year having begun recently. There are programmes for runners of all abilities, so whether you are a new runner or an experienced competitor, there is a programme suitable for you.

‘This experience was not just about running; it was about growth, camaraderie, and surpassing one's own limits.’

If joining a running club has been on your New Year’s Resolution list and you live in the general Naas area, get involved with the 'Family of Choice' that is Brendan’s Running Club!

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