The Galway Women's Mini-Marathon Continues to Grow

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

February 8, 2024

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The Galway Women's Mini-Marathon sold out last weekend and Run Republic caught up with the people behind the event to talk about how the day unfolded.

'Over five hundred ladies descended on the village of Craughwell on St. Brigid’s morning for the second running of the Galway Women’s Mini-Marathon. The women’s only event is a road race over ten kilometres across scenic country roads and is gaining huge popularity. The day was breezy but dry, and the wind was evident as the athletes headed out beside the open expanse of Europe’s largest turlough.

'Helena O’Keeffe of local club Craughwell AC was an early leader in the first kilometre, but she quickly gave way to Sligo AC’s fast-charging Isobel Oakes. Isobel drove a punishing pace to complete the course in a brisk 37:06, taking a full minute off the course record despite the breezy conditions. Kate Kelly of Athlone AC was not far behind in an excellent 37:50. Helena settled after her rapid start and took third in a huge personal best of 39:30. Grainne Tuohy of Craughwell AC was first Junior lady home.

'These athletes finished first among a large field of nearly 600 happy finishers (and a few dogs) who ran, walked, chatted and celebrated the St. Brigid’s Bank holiday together. The unusual women’s only format has proven very popular. It enables the athletes who wish to compete at the front to race their own true race to the tape, and for many others makes the event more relaxed, accessible and enjoyable. The event was organised by Craughwell Athletic Club which plays a huge role in keeping young women involved in sport in Galway. 100% of all proceeds go directly to Sports facilities in the local area.' 

All Photos are credited to John O’Connor, Craughwell and more are to be found on his website.

Featured Image: The top seven ladies at this year’s sell-out Galway Women’s Mini-Marathon - Edel Kelly (5), Ann Marie Connell (6), Kate Kelly (3rd), Isobel Oakes (1), Julia Sztejner (7), Helena O’Keeffe (3) and Caoimhne Ni Shuibhne (4).

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