The Calcutta Run: A Celebration of Charity and Community

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

June 7, 2024

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The Calcutta Run, a highly anticipated annual event organised by the Law Society of Ireland, is more than just a race. Taking place on the last Saturday of May each year, this 6 and 10-kilometre run begins at the Law Society's headquarters in Blackhall Place, loops through the scenic Phoenix Park, and finishes back at Blackhall Place. This year's event saw an unprecedented 1,100 participants, marking an all-time high in its history.

In 2024, the Calcutta Run partnered with two significant charities: the Dublin Simon Community and the HOPE Foundation. So far, approximately €300,000 has been raised, edging closer to the ambitious goal of €350,000. The funds are vital for supporting homelessness services in both Ireland and Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). Since its inception in 1999, the Calcutta Run has impressively raised €5.3 million for these causes, underscoring its impact and importance.

Glen Newman of the Law Society of Ireland shared insights with Run Republic about the event's evolution, telling us that The Calcutta Run itself took a couple of years off with the pandemic. The support for it really got a boost in those COVID years, and now that we are out the other side and more people are working from home, the event is targeted for many as a way to get people from the profession back together again.

The Calcutta Run has always been a fantastic way to gather like-minded individuals for a day of fun and celebration. The finish line buzzes with a festival-like atmosphere, fostering connections among legal professionals who might not otherwise have met or seen each other in some time. This unique event not only promotes physical fitness but also camaraderie amongst these individuals.

The primary goal of the Calcutta Run remains clear: to raise vital funds for homeless young people in Ireland and India. Through community spirit, dedicated fundraising efforts, and a shared sense of purpose, the event continues to achieve and surpass its goals, year after year. The Calcutta Run is a testament to the power of collective action and the positive change it can bring about in the lives of those most in need.

Featured Image: Jason Clarke / Killian Broderick

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