Moycarkey Coolcroo AC Club Notes

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

January 29, 2024

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Recent Road Running Results

On Sunday January 28th we had 3 athletes representing the club in different parts of the country, In Dublin we had two runners toe the line at the Raheny 5 Mile in Dublin which got underway at 3pm & attracted a huge entry of 4280, First home for the club was Mossy Bracken having a very good race in 14th place overall in 25:19, Matthew Ryan also ran very well in 46th place in 26:51. Earlier in the day closer to home John Fogarty ran the Newcastle NS 5km near Clonmel and ran well to finish in 11th place out of 177 participants in a time of 18:33. Well done Lads.

Michael accepts Annerville Award for Sean

Congratulations to Sean Mockler on winning the Annerville Sports Award (Cidona) for his achievement in Athletics, especially on winning the National Senior 7kg hammer for 3 years in succession, His dad Michael proudly accepted the award on Sean's behalf at the Award Ceremony which took place in the Talbot hotel Clonmel Co Tipperary On Saturday evening January 27th Well done Sean.

Members Registration

All Senior & Juvenile members of our club need to be registered for 2024 for Insurance & Eligibility for any upcoming competitions.Please contact one of our officers at training, Adult members can also renew their membership online on the Athletics Ireland online portal at this link

Juvenile Training is Back

Juvenile Training has returned for 2024 at the usual time of 7pm to 8pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays (Weather Permitting) at our club field in Littleton, New athletes Welcome.

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