Moving Is Improving

Dan Brown
By Dan Brown

January 3, 2019

Movingis Improving

Right, here we are in week 1 of 2019.

New year..New You and all that jazz everywhere, right? 

Firstly there’s nothing wrong with the current you! You have survived every day you have lived and that’s a pretty amazing win/lose ratio right there. Sometimes it hasn’t been easy but you are already a champion! Don’t forget that!

How about…a New Year, an improved version of you. Like added extras to your car instead of having to switch wipers on, have automatic ones. Or upgrading to a Fillet Steak from frying steak…See what I mean?

The thing about being active is that you can start anytime you don’t have to wait for a certain day! Even if you didn’t get out the past few days as planned…go now! Lace up those trainers, put on the lovely new active wear you got for Christmas or in the sales, GO NOW!

The hardest step is the one out the door.

There is no one out there that procrastinates like I do before I head out for a session. Even walking up the stairs to get changed is a moanfest. All my friends on Snapchat get the usual…I don’t even like running messages. Yet once I’ve gathered myself and stepped out the door, there is no stopping me. I’m out and I’m going to make the most of it.

But as the title says, moving is improving.

As a working mother of 2 littles, sometimes I can’t get out for a run on my own and I have to improvise even if that means ditching a running session and walking with the family in tow. Yes as long as I’m moving forward I’m winning. The kids have got use to this over the past year or so that they can happily clock up 8-10k with me with mini bursts of interval running in between. It’s quite impressive for a 7&8 year old and pays dividends for them at Parkrun which we do as a family most weeks.

See, you don’t have to launch straight into being able to run miles from the off, just moving forward and being out will do wonders for you physically and mentally. And trust me if you bring your kids it does wonders for their sleeping and your sanity!

So make 2019 the year that you don’t find this new New You everyone is striving to find… instead make it the year you improve the current (already amazing) version of you.

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