Lakeshore Striders Annual 5K & 10K Races Are Fast Approaching

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

August 28, 2023

Lakeshore Striders

Whether you run to scratch that competitive itch, or run for that social interaction within your community, the Lakeshore Striders welcomes people of all ages to join their club as they gear towards their 14th annual 5k and 10k runs on September 16th.

Speaking to Deirdre of the Lakeshore Striders in Blessington, Co. Wicklow, her passion and love for running and for the club itself was infectious. The sense of pride that Deirdre showed when speaking about what the club and community means and stands for would encourage anybody to race to the sign-up sheet.

Speaking to Run Republic, Deirdre outlined the character of the Lakeshore Striders saying, “We have a great ethos of community within ourselves, and we encourage people whether you’re 20 or you’re in your 50’s or in your 70’s, it’s just such and inclusive club.” “The ethos is that everybody has a running buddy, and nobody is left last.”

The mantra of nobody being last is one that really hit home during our conversation. Deirdre outlined the club’s implementation of the idea last year so that people of all levels of running always have somebody on their side providing “that extra bit of a push to get the job done and get over the line, and we are delighted to see people making a time, no matter what that time is.”

When asked about any potential improvements that the club would like to make, Deirdre outlined the club’s “biggest obstacle” being the need for bathroom facilities, especially to encourage even more women and young people to join.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the Lakeshore Striders held a HerOutdoors week and Deirdre outlined the success saying, “It was just to encourage people, especially women, because there’s every obstacle in the way, to run, and we were delighted with the turn out” adding “sometimes it’s the hardest thing to walk out that door, we are very friendly, we have a range of ages and paces and we always welcome new blood into our club.”

The club really seems to have great momentum at the minute and are hoping to capitalise on it with the upcoming 5k and 10k races in just a few weeks’ time.

Moving onto the race, Deirdre pinpointed the incredible buzz on the day describing it as an “energetic, carnival type atmosphere”, which would suit runners of all abilities, especially those who have not raced before. The atmosphere would be welcoming, and inclusive making it perfect for everyone.

Deirdre outlines the fact that a local gym instructor comes down and does a warm-up with the participants, before they all make their way to the starting line accompanied by the samba band which play music to get that carnival atmosphere really brewing for the race.

The presence of a 5k race, introduced last year, encourages people who have perhaps completed a Couch to 5k program earlier in the year to enter the race, as many may feel as though they are not at the level of a 10k race just yet.

The 10k race record stands at an impressive 30.49, showing that elite athletes do participate in the race as well, so anybody with a competitive edge may see a challenge for themselves with that record and should come down and do their best to set a new record time!

When asked why runners should run the Blessington 5K or 10K this September,, Deirdre stated, “If you want to go on an absolutely fantastic, scenic, fast, tough route, you can’t go past it. There’s always a build-up to any race, but this is just out of this world. If you want one of those races, come and join us, and if not, you’re gonna miss it!”


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