HER Outdoors Run at Knocknarea: A Night of Trail Running

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

August 19, 2024

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Last Thursday night, a group of 26 women gathered at Knocknarea in Sligo for a HER Outdoors trail run that will be remembered by all for its mix of physical challenge and shared joy. For many of these participants, this was their first experience with the Irish Mountain Running Association (IMRA), with only five of them having previously participated in an IMRA event. The run was led by eight enthusiastic female volunteers from IMRA West, who ensured that everyone had a safe and enjoyable experience. Run Republic spoke to Theresa Kilgannon from the Sligo Sports and Recreation Partnership about how the event unfolded.

The weather couldn’t have been better for the event, Theresa told Run Republic. The evening was clear and dry, with only a light breeze that felt refreshing as the group moved along the trails. It was a perfect night for running, and the atmosphere was relaxed, with participants encouraged to leave their fitness watches and apps off, focusing instead on the simple pleasure of being out in nature.

The runners were divided into two groups based on distance preference—an 8km group and a 4km group. Both groups followed the same initial path to Knocknarea's iconic cairn, approaching the climb from the lesser-known wall side. This route was a new experience for most of the women and offered a challenging yet rewarding adventure. The single-track trail included some slippery, muddy sections, a scramble over a fallen tree, and a steady climb up the hill. But the effort was well worth it, as the group paused along the way to take in the stunning views.

Upon reaching the cairn, the groups split according to their planned distances. The 4km group spent about 20 minutes doing drills designed to improve trail running techniques. Meanwhile, the 8km group continued on to tackle the warrior run descent and climb, adding an extra layer of challenge to their evening.

After the run, both groups reconvened in the car park at the base of the mountain. The camaraderie that had developed during the run continued as the women made their way to the Strand Bar, where they enjoyed well-deserved tea, coffee, and pizzas.

As with the events all week, the HER Outdoors runs in Galway, Roscommon, Sligo, and Mayo were a social gathering where participants could chat, share experiences, and learn more about IMRA events, trail running meet-up groups, and how to stay involved in this exciting and welcoming activity. 

It is fair to say that trail running has welcomed plenty of new runners following the success that was HER Outdoors Week!

Featured Image: The group from the Sligo Trail Run, courtesy of Theresa Kilgannon.

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