Dundrum AC at the County Masters Road Championships and Glendalough Quest 2024

Rory Forde
By Rory Forde

April 15, 2024

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The County Masters Road Championships were held on Sunday, April 14 in Clerihan. The weather was nice with windy areas on the course, which is a course with up and down hills with one particularly hard hill. We had a huge turnout of 19 athletes compete. The O65 and above categories ran 3km and we had one athlete compete John Moore was 5th overall and 4th O65 in 13:54. The men and women both raced over 6km. In the women's race Dymphna Ryan kept up her fantastic form to win the race and claim the O40 Gold in 20:44 (she was also 2nd overall including the male athletes). Next, also running really well was 4th Linda Grogan 23:24 (4th O40), 10th Mary Keane 24:25 winning Gold O35 in her debut to the Masters, 12th Tish Ryan 24:51 (9th O40), 13th Karen Coughlan 25:16 (10th O40), 20th Emily Leahy 26:44 (17th O40), 21st Mairead Julian 26:51 (Bronze O45) and 22nd Denise Compton 26:59 (Gold O55). Denise had also competed in a triathlon the day before. Dymphna, Linda and Mary won Silver in the O35 team event and Tish, Karen and Emily placed 4th. Unfortunately, we were an athlete short for an O45 team. In the men's race John Ryan had a great race to place 3rd overall and claim Gold O35 in 21:02. Next, we had 6th Martin Keane 21:23 (4th O40), 8th Gerry O'Neill 21:37 (5th O40), 23rd Ruaidhri Devitt 22:53 (8th O40), 31st Jim Hally 23:44 (6th O55), 33rd Michael Ryan 23:52 (11th O40), 34th Val Farrell 23:55 (Bronze O55), 36th Willie Keane 23:59 (12th O40), 37th Tommy Byrnes 24:42 (8th O55) and 39th Shane White (13th O40). John, Martin, Gerry and Ruaidhri won Gold in the O35 team event. Marking the 4th cup the men have won in the road championships this year along with the Novice, Intermediate and Senior. Jim, Michael, Val and Willie placed 8th in the O35 team event. Jim, Val and Tommy won Bronze in the O50 team event. Fantastic running by all and great to see such large numbers out competing and so many medals won.


The Glendalough Quest was held on Saturday 6th April in Glendalough Co. Wicklow, in the midst of storm Kathleen so the weather was fairly wet and windy for the event which did not make it easy. We had one athlete take part. Paul Bradshaw took on the Duel 42km challenge comprising of a 6k cycle, 6k run, 20k cycle and a 10k run finishing it in a fantastic time of 3hrs 19 seconds.

Featured Image: Dundrum AC athletes at the County Masters Road Championships in Clerihan. Back L-R: Emily Leahy, Shane White, Willie Keane, Tish Ryan, Linda Grogan, Jim Hally, Tommy Byrnes, Val Farrell, Martin Keane, John Moore and Michael Ryan. Front L-R: John Ryan, Gerry O'Neill, Mairead Julian, Ruaidhri Devitt, Dymphna Ryan, Mary Keane, Karen Coughlan and Denise Compton.

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