Do you wanna go for a run?

Leah Bryans
By Leah Bryans

July 7, 2022

Leah Run 1

Since I did my marathon in May I haven’t been running just quite so consistently. We had coughs and colds, work was busy, then there was a vomiting bug, always something getting in the way.

But now that I’m on holidays I’m enjoying running just for the sake of it not because I have to do a certain number of miles for my schedule.

I am enjoying getting out and enjoying the scenery here on the wild Atlantic Way. 

I’ve gone running with my bro for child free chats - great way to be sure your are running at the right pace for an easy run, you should be able to talk and maintain a conversation

I took the dog out one day-that was a lovely way to do a sneaky Fartlek session-he is a wee bit of a reluctant jogger on the way out, but he literally sprints home so that’s a good way to do an ‘out and back’ where are you introduce a bit of speed on the home leg.

Today I’m planning a long run with a podcast.

There’s lots of ways to make running more interesting and inviting but what’s really important is that for each run that we do, we complement that exercise with some mobility and strength work - like Pilates - to support our body.

This helps mitigate against injury, and research shows it builds our pelvic floor muscle strength by stealth!

If we have pelvic floor issues, we really shouldn’t stop our most favourite exercise, we might just need to find a slightly different way to do it, and we might need a bit of rehab to get us to where we’d like to be.

I have new pilates courses starting next week when I’m home from my hols. Details on those are on the website and if you’d like more specifics on your own running injuries or issues feel free to make an appointment for a one to one session.

I’d love to help you Keep on running!


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