Some Strength Training Workouts for Runners

Some Strength Training Workouts for Runners

Published on: 02 Jul 2015

Author: Paddy Ryan

Categories: Training

LOOKING FOR A great strength workout? We’ve got just the thing for you.

The workouts below are comprehensive in design and will promote injury prevention, improve body composition and enhance race performance.

Workout 1


Leg Press, Ball-Squat or Lunge

Any exercise that involves a pushing motion with the legs. A leg press machine allows you to adjust the weight, while a squat or lunge uses body weight.

Leg Curl

Any exercise that involves curling the leg, starting with legs straight, then moving the weight by bending the knees and flexing the hamstrings. On a machine, you may do this in a seated or prone position by hooking your ankles over a padded bar attached to weight or resistance.

Leg Extension

Any exercise that involves straightening the leg under resistance, starting with knees bent and flexing the quadriceps muscles. On a machine, you may do this in a seated or prone position by hooking your ankles over a padded bar attached to weight or resistance.

Tibia Dorsi Flexion

Any exercise where the foot is flexed upward against resistance. This can be done with a partner or trainer applying pressure to the top of your foot, or by lifting a free weight or using a weight machine. Keep your feet close together, allow full range of motion and ensure that your hips do not move back and forth on the chair.

Single-Leg Hip Flexion 

Any exercise where the hip is flexed forward, raising the thigh and knee against resistance. This can be done with a partner manually providing resistance (leaning against a supporting pad), or by lying on your back and using a resistance band looped over your foot. Simultaneously drive your knee upward and your elbow down until they meet above your navel, then pause. Do 8 to 12 reps.


Shoulder Press

Any exercise that involves a vertical press from a seated or standing position with the hands beside the head and weight pushed straight up. You can do this using dumbbells, barbells or a machine.


Any exercise that involves reaching up from a seated or standing position and pulling down on a pully-driven weight or against resistance. Several variations are possible, depending on grip direction and the width of your hands. The range of motion should go from full extension to below your chin.

Chest Press

Any exercise that requires pushing out from the chest. You can do this standing or seated, with a machine or resistance bands, or by lying on your back and using dumbbells, barbells or a machine.


Abdominal Exercise

Any exercise that works the muscles of the midsection. The abdominal bridge or plank is a basic option: Support your weight on your toes and elbows while in a prone, push-up position. Make sure you hold a straight line from the top of your neck to your tailbone. Do not allow your midsection to arch or drop even slightly.  Engage your midsection and try to “feel” it work. Hold for up to two minutes of tension. Do not add weight to this exercise.

Low-Back Extension

Any exercise that works the lower back, plus engages the glutes and hamstrings. This can be done through a “Superman” extension, lifting your body and legs off of your pelvis from a prone position, or performed on a 45-degree bench, aka “Roman Chair.” Concentrically extend your hip and vertebrae, stopping when your body is in a straight line. Note: Do not hyperextend.


Workout 2


Leg Press, Ball-Squat, or Lunge

Hip Adductor

Any exercise that works the muscles on the inside (medial) portion of the leg. This can be done on a machine, by squeezing a ball between your knees, or by doing leg lifts.

Any exercise that works the outside (lateral) portion of the leg and hip. This can be done on a machine, by using resistance bands, or by doing leg lifts.

Calf/Heel Raise

Any exercise working the calf muscles by flexing the foot forward or downward from a neutral position. This can be done on a machine or by using your body weight while standing on a step.


Incline Press

Similar to the chest press, but done with the bench inclined or the machine set so that you are pressing up as well as out from the chest.

Seated Row

Any exercise where that requires reaching straight out from the chest and pulling toward the body. Make sure you get full extension, starting from as far as you can reach to as far back as you can extend pulling your shoulder blades together as your hands come to your chest. This can be done with a machine or resistance bands.


Any exercise that works the triceps muscles on the back of the arm by lowering and raising the body through bending the elbows.

Shoulder Shrug

Any exercise that involves lifting your shoulders straight up with weights or resistance bands held in your hands.

Lateral Raise

Any exercise that involves lifting the arms straight out from the body, starting with hands by thighs and ending with arms forming a “T” with the torso. Can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands or by using a machine.


Torso Rotation 

Any exercise where the upper body is rotated left and right from a seated position. This can be done on a machine or by using body weight.