15 Aug 2024


Countdown to race day!

Join the Scrabo 4.5 Mile Hill Race - NIMRA Championship! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

📅 Date: Wednesday August 15th 2024
🕔 Registration: 17:45 - 18:45 at BHAC Gazebo, upper car park
🕖 Race Start: 19:00 in field adjacent to lower car park (Killynether Wood)
📍 Location: Scrabo Country Park, Upper car park (below Scrabo Golf Club)
📏 Distance: 7.2km / 4.5 miles
⛰️ Ascent: 365m / 1200ft
🎖️ Race Director: Andrew Wallace

Race Details:

  • Event Type: NIMRA Championship - Short distance race
  • Course Description: Two-lap figure of eight course on forest trails and singletrack
  • Terrain: Includes short steep ascents, narrow paths, steps, tree roots, and rocks
  • Marking: Fully way-marked with sawdust & tape; 'dibber' point at start & finish
  • Equipment: No mandatory kit, but rain jacket recommended for bad weather
  • Marshalls: Located at major junctions and crossing points; runners must follow marshal instructions
  • Retirements: Retiring runners to report to nearest marshal post and to race organisers at finish


  • Male: Senior, MU18, MV40, MV45, MV50, MV55, MV60, MV65, MV70, MV75, MV80
  • Female: Senior, FU18, FV40, FV45, FV50, FV55, FV60, FV65, FV70, FV75

Participant Guidelines:

  • Maintain social distancing; refrain from physical contact like handshakes and high fives
  • Cover coughs and sneezes; avoid touching surfaces
  • Leave immediately after finishing; maintain distance while running and overtaking
  • No headphones or ear pieces for safety reasons
  • Participants should be in reasonable fitness; this is a challenging trail race
  • Do not participate if experiencing Covid symptoms as per Government advice
  • Bring your own pins; running poles not allowed as per NIMRA guidelines

Enter the Scrabo 4.5 Mile Hill Race

Looking for more information?

If you're looking for more information on this race, please fill out the form below or email us at info@runrepublic.com.